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Glaucoma Update

SriniVas Sadda, MD

Director, Artificial Intelligence
Professor of Ophthalmology, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Doheny fosters research at the frontiers of medical science, and, I am happy to say, we also foster expertise that can literally write the book on advances in treatment.

Next month, a brand new textbook will be published. Written by Doheny faculty members Dr. Brian Francis and Dr. James Tan, along with their colleague Dr. Steven Sarkasian of the Dean McGee Eye Institute, Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery: A Practical Guide is a comprehensive volume detailing state of the art techniques and discussion of cases.

The revolutionary procedures illuminated in the book matter, because they result in far fewer complications for patients, which means better outcomes overall.

This publication also includes video, a teaching element that can significantly enhance understanding among medical students and practicing doctors alike. I like the confluence of technologies making an impact for patients fighting eye disease.

I was there when Dr. Francis and Dr. Tan introduced their book at the American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeting in mid-October to great interest. That’s because doctors around the world treat millions of people who live with glaucoma, and our foundational and innovative work at Doheny is vital to improving their patients’ vision.


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