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Doheny Society of Scholars & UCLA Ophthalmology Clinical Conference

JW Marriott 900 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Description Please join us for a morning of presentations by UCLA Ophthalmology residents and our scholars on a broad spectrum of clinical issues and approaches that are of value to the practicing ophthalmologist followed by the Society of Scholars ceremony and luncheon. Chosen by the Doheny Society of Scholars, this year’s inductees are Paul Sidoti, […]

Annual UCLA Stein / Doheny Comprehensive Ophthalmology Review Course

Description This four-day intensive course is aimed at residents, fellows, and practicing ophthalmologists and will review the clinical essentials of each subspecialty in ophthalmology. It will be a clinically oriented review concentrating on the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of ophthalmologic disease and will help prepare course participants for OKAPS, ABO and maintenance recertification […]

Electrophysiology 2016: Diagnostics, Screening & New Testing Modalities

Doheny Eye Center UCLA, Pasadena 800 S. Fairmont Ave. Suite 120, Pasadena, CA, United States

Description Visual electrophysiology is a powerful tool to assess the function of various components of the visual pathway system even.  Even though it is often underutilized due to practical limitations, electrophysiology can improve your diagnosis and management of posterior segment disease. We will review the main electrophysiologic tests and the information they allow us to […]

Innovations and Entrepreneurship: Ideation to Commercialization (IEIC)

California Institute of Technology, Hall of Associates 551 South Hill Avenue, Pasadena

Description We will discuss the innovation process from ideation to commercialization in medicine, with experts in areas of intellectual property, business development, fund raising and FDA regulatory landscape and physician entrepreneurs. We aim to give valuable insights to this fascinating field that continues to be more relevant than ever.

Modernizing Medicine: Minimally Invasive Interventions in Ophthalmic Care

Huntington Memorial Hospital, Research Conference Center 734 Fairmount Avenue, Pasadena, CA, United States

Description With modernization, surgical interventions in ophthalmology have become progressively more effective and simultaneously less invasive. Cataract surgery has moved from intracapsular extractions now to small incision femtosecond approaches. Glaucoma surgery has evolved from conjunctival filtering surgeries to less traumatic enhancement of native outflow pathways. Retina care is burgeoning with injectable therapeutics for previously surgical […]

Eye on Ocular Inflammation: Pearls for the Ophthalmologist and Internist

California Institute of Technology, Hall of Associates 551 South Hill Avenue, Pasadena

Description Uveitis is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in developed countries. It is crucial for physicians to understand how to best diagnose, differentiate and treat it. The fundamental management of this painful condition involves careful patient evaluation and aggressive control of inflammation. This course will cover the different forms of uveitis by […]

47th Annual Doheny Days

Huntington Memorial Hospital, Braun Auditorium 100 W California Blvd, Pasadena, CA, United States

Description The annual Doheny Days conference hosts dozens of presenters representing a wide range of ophthalmic specialties aimed at disseminating state-of-the-art research findings to improve clinicians' ability to better diagnose and manage patients with ocular disease.