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2nd Annual Doheny-UCLA International
Retina Symposium
January 27, 2024
7 AM – 4:30 p.m.
About the Course:
This course is tailored to update practicing ophthalmologists and related health care specialists on recent advances and controversies in the management of a variety of posterior segment disorders. The desired result is to gain and develop an evidence based approach to the management of patients with retinal disease.
Featured Keynotes

“Understanding the Discord between Pragmatic Measures of Retinal Function and Progression of Geographic Atrophy ” and
“Fibrosis an Unmet Need in the Long-Term Management of nAMD”
Usha Chakravarthy, MD, PhD, CBE
Honorary and Emerita Professor of Ophthalmology and Vision Science
Queen’s University of Belfast
Institute of Clinical Science
Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast BT12 6BA, UK

“How Careful Clinical Examination Skills can lead to Novel Retinal Diagnoses” and “Clinical Impact of the DRCR Retina Network”
Lee M. Jampol, MD
Louis Feinberg, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology
Northwestern Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL
Conference Presentations
Explore the program here
“Wet AMD and Dry AMD – What is in the pipeline?”
David Boyer, MD
Retinal Specialist and Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group

“Three Dimensional Ophthalmic Ultrasonography using existing Ultrasound Probes”
Andrew Browne, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
UC Irvine School of Medicine
Gavin Herbert Eye Institute

“Prohylaxsis of Wet AMD: The PREVENT Study Results”
Clement K. Chan, MD, FACS
President and Medical Director
Southern California Desert Retina Consultants
Professor of Ophthalmology
Loma Linda University

“Microperimetric Functional Correlates of Structural Biomarkers in Nonneovascular AMD”
Giulia Corradetti, MD
Doheny Scientist
Doheny Image Reading and Research Lab (DIRRL), Doheny Eye Institute

“Evaluation and Management of Ocular Hypotony”
Kirk Hou, MD, PhD
Course Co-Director
Assistant Professor
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
Doheny Eye Institute

Talk 1: Long term results of anti-VEGF for Retinal Vein Occlusion
Talk 2: Data Update on some of the Newest FDA Approved Injectables for Disease of the Retina
Michael Ip, MD
Gavin S. Herbert Endowed Chair for Macular Degeneration
Professor of Ophthalmology
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
Medical Director, Doheny Image Reading Center
Doheny Eye Institute

“Retinal Progenitor Cells for the Treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa”
Baruch Kuppermann, MD, PhD
Steinert Endowed Professor and Chair
Department of Ophthalmology
UC Irvine School of Medicine
Director, Gavin Herbert Eye Institute

“Update on the Diagnosis and Management of Intraocular Lymphoma”
Colin A. McCannel, MD
Professor of Ophthalmology
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
UCLA Stein Eye Institute

“Novel Vision-Sparing Strategies for Uveal Melanoma Patients”
Tara McCannel, MD, PhD
Director, Ophthalmic Oncology Center
Professor of Ophthalmology
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
UCLA Stein Eye Institute

“Engineering New Models for Healthcare Delivery”
Bobeck Modjtahedi, MD, MBA
Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Southern California Medical Group
Director, Eye Monitoring Center
Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Georgia, Colorado, and Hawaii

“Vitreoretinal Interface Disorders”
Andrew Moshfeghi, MD, MBA
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Director of Clinical Trials
Medical Director
Keck School of Medicine of USC
USC Roski Eye Institute

“Surgical Outcomes and Predictors of Success in Diabetic Combined Tractional and Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments”
Pradeep S. Prasad, MD, MBA
Health Science Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Assistant Chief, Retina Division of Ophthalmology
Harbor UCLA Medical Center
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
UCLA Stein Eye Institute

“OCT Risk Factors for Development of Atrophy in AMD”
SriniVas Sadda, MD
Director, Artificial Intelligence & Imaging Research
Professor of Ophthalmology
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
Doheny Eye Institute

“Treatment of Neovascular AMD: How Completely Do We Need to Treat Fluid?”
David Sarraf, MD
Professor of Ophthalmology
Retinal Disorders and Ophthalmic Genetic Division
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
UCLA Stein Eye Institute

“Secondary IOL Techniques for the Retinal Surgeon”
Jay Sridhar, MD
Chief of Ophthalmology
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
UCLA Olive View Medical Center
Panel 1: Geographic Atrophy: Past, Present and Future
Moderator: Vas Sadda, MD
Panelists: Doctors Boyer, Chakravarthy, Chan, C. McCannel
Panel 2: Which Drugs to use for which Retinal Condition: How do we choose?
Moderator: Michael Ip, MD
Panelists: Doctors Jampol, Modjtahedi, Browne, Sarraf
Course Directors

Michael Ip, MD
Gavin S. Herbert Endowed Chair for Macular Degeneration
Professor of Ophthalmology
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
Medical Director, Doheny Image Reading Center
Doheny Eye Institute

Kirk Hou, MD, PhD
Course Co-Director
Assistant Professor
David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
Doheny Eye Institute
Doheny Eye Institute acknowledges with gratitude the following organizations for their participation:
Educational Grantors:
Genentech, a member of the Roche Group
Iveric Bio, An Astellas Company • Regeneron
REGENXBIO Inc. • Zeiss
Alcon • Alimera Sciences • Apellis Pharmaceuticals
Dutch Ophthalmic USA • Coherus BioSciences
Stay in touch!
We hope to see you at the upcoming CME Conference. Please reach out if you have any questions.