Ocular Immunology and Uveitis
Uveitis refers to a group of inflammatory diseases that produce swelling and destruction of portions of the eye. It can be associated with a whole host of diseases such as AIDS, herpes, multiple sclerosis, and ulcerative colitis. Treatment is typically geared toward eliminating inflammation, preventing further tissue damage, and reducing pain.

Study Co-Authored by Dr. Sadda published in Nature Biomedical Engineering
3October 2024SriniVas R. Sadda, MD, FARVODirector of Artificial Intelligence & Imaging Research, Doheny Eye InstituteProfessor of Ophthalmology, University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) Geffen School of MedicineView ProfileStudy Co-Authored by SriniVas R....
Nature: Accurate Prediction of Disease-Risk Factors From Volumetric Medical Scans by a Deep Vision Model Pre-trained With 2D Scan
By: Oren Avram, Berkin Durmus, Nadav Rakocz, Giulia Corradetti, Ulzee An, Muneeswar G. Nittala, Prerit Terway, Akos Rudas, Zeyuan Johnson Chen, Yu Wakatsuki, Kazutaka Hirabayashi, Swetha Velaga, Liran Tiosano, Federico Corvi, Aditya Verma, Ayesha Karamat, Sophiana...