Ocular Immunology and Uveitis
Uveitis refers to a group of inflammatory diseases that produce swelling and destruction of portions of the eye. It can be associated with a whole host of diseases such as AIDS, herpes, multiple sclerosis, and ulcerative colitis. Treatment is typically geared toward eliminating inflammation, preventing further tissue damage, and reducing pain.

CME – Event
2nd Annual Doheny-UCLA International Retina Symposium; January 27, 2024, 7 AM – 4:30 p.m. About the Course:
This course is tailored to update practicing ophthalmologists and related health care specialists on recent advances and controversies in the management of a variety of posterior segment disorders. The desired result is to gain and develop an evidence based approach to the management of patients with retinal disease.
Ophthalmology Times: Cellular evidence of retinal ganglion cell transfection after LHON treatment
Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD, and colleagues conducted an international post-mortem study of human eyes treated with adeno-associated virus (AAV2)-based gene therapy for Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). The results were reported at the American Academy of...