Ocular Immunology and Uveitis
Uveitis refers to a group of inflammatory diseases that produce swelling and destruction of portions of the eye. It can be associated with a whole host of diseases such as AIDS, herpes, multiple sclerosis, and ulcerative colitis. Treatment is typically geared toward eliminating inflammation, preventing further tissue damage, and reducing pain.

InSight at a Glance | November 2023
November 2023Doheny-UCLA Affiliation Marks 10th AnniversaryThis December we proudly celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Doheny Eye Institute and UCLA Stein Eye Institute affiliation, a fruitful partnership that continues to elevate groundbreaking vision...
Doheny Eye Institute Research Breakthrough: Stiffening of retinal blood vessels threatens vision in diabetes
21 November 2023 Click Here to view Dr. Ghosh's ProfileDoheny Eye Institute Research Breakthrough: Stiffening of retinal blood vessels threatens vision in diabetes Using atomic force microscopy, researchers at Doheny Eye Institute, an affiliate of UCLA,...