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Adding the Subject ID and Enrollment Date

For studies that require DIRC imaging-related patient screening, the patient details must be updated to assign the Subject ID after enrollment into the study, before post-screening images can be submitted to the web portal.

  1. Select the “Add Subject ID” button for a screening patient from the Patient Visit Management screen.
  2. Enter the Subject ID and the subjects Enrollment date, then click the Save button, as shown.
    Note: Depending on study design, the Subject ID may, or may not, match the Screening ID. Please contact your sponsor or CRO representative for guidance
  3. After the update, the subsequent visit upload buttons will become available, as shown.
    Note: The Screening ID, the Subject ID and Study Eye(s) may not be altered via the web. However, if any of these corrections are required, contact the DIRC.
  4. The Visit Window will now be present for each visit, this is based on the clinical protocol schedule and window.
